Screenwriting Truth
So, you want to be a professional screenwriter?
Your journey starts here.

What this site is not...
If you’re only interested in selling an idea or the one thing you’ve written, this site is not for you. This is for individuals looking to build a career as a professional screenwriter.
There are no charlatans here. No former “readers” or “execs,” no “story consultants,” or any of the other false monikers the wannabes hide behind. Screenwriting Truth is the only site where you can have access to and guidance from a currently working professional screenwriter. Where you can find the truth about the business, the craft, the process, and most importantly, the journey.

What this site is...
Screenwriting Truth offers not only feedback, instruction, and mentorship at various levels, but also gives you the opportunity to become part of a private community offering specialized content and benefits, as well as discounts on services. Whether your desire is to write feature films or television series (or both!), as a part of the Screenwriting Truth community, you’ll have unprecedented access to what it takes to forge a career as a working Hollywood screenwriter.
Paul Guyot knows and understands development, story, structure, dialogue, production, editing, rewriting, and the actual business from a first person, in the trenches POV. And just as important, he knows what doesn’t work, what isn’t needed, and how to decipher lies from the truth.
About Paul Guyot
Paul Guyot has written and produced over 200 hours of series television. He has written and worked on feature films that have grossed nearly a billion dollars at the box office.

After years of battling against the charlatans, conmen, and wannabes spewing misinformation and regurgitating screenwriting book redundancy, Guyot decided to create SCREENWRITING TRUTH; a place where emerging writers can come to find that rarest of all Hollywood quintessence… TRUTH.